First, studying or working abroad should be planned. We, Thai nationals are facing different challenges when applying for studying or working on the “old” continent where difficulties might not be as obvious as when applying for North America or Australia.
Secondly, New and Younger generations must have two purposes before starting life abroad: acquiring knowledge in their field of study and learning the local culture [understanding their decision process, values, and logic] or just immigration. For the first purpose, any student must be blended into the University/School. Our ways of learning and logical thinking might not be adapted immediately to local students.
We need to spend more time on ‘catching up” the lecture (foreign language): set priority between recreation and studying, learn to work in Group, and select friends.
The key success is to find the right equilibrium between studying, extra-curriculum activities, and local integration. All this creates value for you to understand local values and behaviors that lead to understanding their thinking process.