I strongly believe that each gender must not be treated differently when it comes to accessing opportunities, resources and socially-valued goods and rewards. This is what constitutes gender equality. However each gender has its different strengths and weaknesses. So, how to give fairness to each gender, is a question about equity. When it comes to the topic of physical strength, the average man tends to be considerably stronger than the average woman that is why we need to differentiate between justice and equality from each other. Take sports, for example, men and women are not physically equal, meaning all genders can play the same sports such as football but they should not be mixed in the same competition due to physiological reasons. Even labour laws in Thailand involved in heavy duty lifting stipulate that male employees can lift up to 55 kilograms, while for female employees, up to 25 kilograms.
Moreover, giving help to women by men or to men by women should not be a problematic discussion. No one should not be treated differently because of their gender but help can be given to any gender, and from any gender as long as help is appreciated. In my opinion, offering physical support to everyone when they are in need of help is a good manner that everyone should do regardless of gender.