B2B Platform for Business Women in Thailand & Worldwide
Hanne’s Story

Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to personal and professional growth

Interview with
Hanne Gietema

Communications and Marketing Intern at Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce

Hi Hanne, thank you for joining the DLF interview with us. Please introduce yourself!

Thank you very much for inviting me to contribute to DBWT; I truly appreciate the opportunity. My name is Hanne, and for the past six months, I have been interning at the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce (NTCC) in Marketing Communications. After completing my bachelor’s degree in International Communications in Groningen, the Netherlands, I wanted to gain more international work experience and broaden my knowledge across various industries.

I was first introduced to Thailand two years ago during my exchange semester. I had the opportunity to study at a Thai university and learn about the country’s culture. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Thailand and knew I wanted to return someday. That’s when I discovered the NTCC and the interesting work the chamber does. Becoming part of the Dutch business community in Thailand and learning about doing business abroad was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. That is why I applied for the internship position: a decision I don’t regret! Now, I am part of a supportive team, responsible for external communications and supporting the chamber’s events.

Is it common for young Europeans to move to new places for internships or studies? What influenced your decision to come to Thailand?

I believe it has become increasingly popular in recent years. This is partly because Dutch universities have partnerships with other international universities, and many programs include a semester abroad for a minor or internship. This was also the case for me during my bachelor’s program.

I have always been fascinated by other countries and cultures, so when the opportunity arose, I wanted to move to a place completely different from the Netherlands. Thailand immediately captured my attention. Friends who had traveled through Thailand came back with positive stories, and the idea of living in a country where I could easily travel independently while enjoying amazing food every day was incredibly appealing. But also the culture of Thailand is something that attracts me to return to the country. The people are kind and inviting, which makes you feel welcome and easy to meet new people.

Can you share experiences that made you feel empowered or inspired during your internship at NTCC?

I have enjoyed my time at NTCC, it offered me the possibility to grow both personally and professionally. The NTCC executive team is a small but incredibly supportive team, from day one, I felt welcome and was treated as a full-time employee.

I was given several responsibilities, including designing the quarterly Commerce Magazine, the annual Directory, and keeping the social media platforms active. I had complete freedom to choose topics to write about and use my creativity in the design process. This motivated me to give my best effort and get the most out of the experience. But also the involvement of the NTCC business community made me feel part of the NTCC. The chamber organizes several network events for people to extend their network. For me, this was the perfect opportunity to explore diverse career paths and learn about jobs I had never heard of before. Thanks to these events and the supportive team, every week was different!

What strategies should interns use to make the most out of their internship experience?

Take advantage of every opportunity! Moving to a new place, especially far from home, can be overwhelming at first. Finding a place to stay, getting used to work, and building a social circle takes time. However, I think Thailand is an easy country to move to. There are plenty of activities and events organized to meet new people and to try new things.

I think the key is to stay open-minded and willing to step out of your comfort zone. Say “yes” to new experiences, even if they are things you would never do back home.

What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced while living abroad, and how did you overcome them?

I think for me I had some challenges with communication. Different communication styles are something to take into account when living abroad. The cultural differences between the Dutch and Thai cultures are quite large. I believe it is important to be aware of your own culture, and the culture that you are moving into. In my case, I am a very direct communicator, but Thai people are often the opposite. In situations where I am having a conversation with someone new, I always try to be less direct to avoid being perceived as rude. So yeah, that can be quite a challenge.

What is it that attracts Thai students to study in the Netherlands?

From what I have understood from my Thai friends, is that they find the Netherlands very idyllic. In the Netherlands, everyone commutes by bicycle and lives in charming cities, which is completely different from Thailand.

I do think the students who go to the Netherlands for their studies are up for a challenge because living in the Netherlands as an international can be difficult. Not only education is more difficult, but meeting new people can be hard as well. Dutch people tend to be more reserved, which can make meeting new people a bit challenging. However, there are always large groups of international students, as well as numerous student associations, where you can pursue hobbies and connect with like-minded people

Do you believe in work-life balance? In your opinion, what should a company do to serve this well for Gen Z workers?

Yes, I absolutely believe in maintaining a good work-life balance, though I think it can vary from person to person and even throughout the year. For me, I want to enjoy my free time with friends but also to meet my deadlines. This sometimes means prioritizing work, but during quieter periods, it is also important to take time for yourself.

Gen Z workers value freedom and trust in their managers. I think to serve them well, companies should provide clear expectations, allow autonomy, and support open communication.

What are your inspiring messages to DBWT?

While it may sound cliché, stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to personal and professional growth. It’s how you discover new opportunities, build resilience, and meet amazing people you would not have encountered otherwise.

Take every opportunity that comes your way. Looking back, some of the best experiences I have had came from saying “yes” to events or activities I initially did not want to go to. You never know where those opportunities might lead!

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