Man of the Month – Thitiwat Thanapornnithinan – IWG plc
"Seeing myself contributing to others and working with several effective leaders keeps me motivated."
Interview with Thitiwat Thanapornnithinan
Sales Director at IWG plc
"Seeing myself contributing to others and working with several effective leaders keeps me motivated."
Interview with Thitiwat Thanapornnithinan
Sales Director at IWG plc
"A fantastic leader who works with openness, diversity enhancement and people-orientation. "
Jean-Louis Graindorge
Managing Director & Owner
at Gallothai and Belco Confectionery
"Where women are stronger and more successful than men, is using their intuition, social- and emotional intelligence to make good decisions"
Interview with Marc Watzal
Director API Production
"I do not like the word ‘boss’. We work together as a team without stressing hierarchies. "
Interview with Stefan Molnar
General Manager Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam & the Mekong Region at Lufthansa Group
“I very much enjoy working with women in the legal profession because, generally speaking, they are highly reliable and loyal”
Interview with Franck Fougere
Managing Partner
Ananda Intellectual Property Ltd.
"There are no limitations for women, only what you think by yourself"
Interview with Stefan van der Sluys
CEO of Best Global Logistics Thailand and President of the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce
“Trust and openness are the key, regardless of gender”
Interview with H.E. Georg Schmidt, German Ambassador to Thailand